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Microsoft Holoportation project is one of the most enticing research performed by the folks of mixed reality team in Microsoft. This incredible tech is one of the most potential uses of VR/AR headsets. To have much more insights on this revolutionary invention, let's have a critical analysis and pay a bit of our tribute to this invention.















Holoportation uses a real-time 3D scene and objects reconstruction technology by stitching different images taken from different angles in the 3D space using cameras set up. This will then track the shape and movements of the objects and construct them as a three-dimensional hologram. Right now it has latency issues due to high bandwidth requirements that needs to be taken as future enhancements.




















The holoportation enables you to virtually teleport with any person along with you. This will boost the video calling apps like Skype or facetime to develop a real-time conversation with different people. You can just walk into their space or welcome them into your space just as if you are with them at that moment. This lets you have an immersive interaction capability with the holograms around you. you can share a hi-fi, hug, shake-hand everything with the person who is miles away from you. Having said that, holoportation has just started maturing and it still needs to have lots of advancements to completely make it consumer ready. Take an instance where one person enters your body in the virtual world. This kind of design is not intuitive as it feels so weird when someone is occupying you. There should be some way to make this hologram interacting properly by analyzing the object's scale, type, and mass.





















Collaboration is always a bottleneck for any company. Some employees work from home while others sit in the conference room. Holoportation has many advantages in the aspects of collaborative working. You can have virtual environment setup and people discussing various topics with the subject in the center of them. This will make conferences easier not only within the company but it also helps in setting up meetings with different clients. It reduces the cost of traveling to different locations with this technology thus saving a lot of time and money. Other uses include interactive education, infrastructure, and automobile design. Holoportation can make a great impact in this field by providing a collaborative environment to design and visualize them as holograms.

While we need to thank the team for this new innovation, there are few glitches rather can be told as enhancements that need to be addressed. Currently, the holographic objects in the form of data are transmitted to the HMD's that requires a high bandwidth. In terms of latency in moving these holograms, the HMD's need to be equipped with high performing GPU's to support these interactions and movements. The real-time 3D object reconstruction can be made much realistic by considering small parts of polygons that can make them appear more concrete.


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